Monday, 17 December 2018

I'm Back!

That is, I have seahorses again, or to be more specific H.erectus. I have had a lonesome seahorse of unknown species for a while now but I decided that he needed a friend and so popped into a nearby aquatic store to place an order. As fate would have it, they actually had seahorses in stock for the first time! My husband and I decided to get two and pensively looked at eachother when deciding whether to get males or females. 

The happy couple have been flirting away already, so at the moment I'm hoping the high flow can prevent the inevitable!

This feels a bit like a new beginning, and as the other seahorse is named Popcorn (same name as one of my first seahorses) I have decided to call these Cosmo and Orion, also the names of two of my first (successful) seahorses.

Monday, 2 July 2018

So this happened!

I really wasn't planning, or expecting to get seahorses again quite so soon but I was gifted a pair of "H.kuda" from my wonderful husband, (who thought I was seahorse sulking for a while) and I have to say I was over the moon!

Losing my last seahorse, one that I bred myself 7 years ago, was heartbreaking so I really hadn't planned on diving back in quite so soon. In the back of my mind I had thought that maybe a little tank of dwarf seahorses would be amazing at some point in the future but a lot of planning needs to go into that.

You know, the funny thing is that its been so long that I feel completely new to the whole experience of owning seahorses. One thing is for sure, that is that the World of seahorses, marines, aquatics, just moves so bloody fast that things change on a pretty much daily basis! So, don't be surprised if I start posting questions!

One thing I'm quite uncertain about, and that is the species of these fellows. Although they were sold as H.kuda, my guess is that was the easiest label to get them in on....I don't know, does that even still happen with seahorses being mislabelled deliberately to get them through customers/DEFRA. It has been suggested that they might be H.hippocampus but I can't see it personally. If I look at their eye spikes and crown, they just don't seem to match up. My initial thoughts are that they are a hybrid of some sort but I have a few friends that I consider experts in the seahorse world and know their stuff so I will ask them what they think. Watch this space!

And if you are still following me after all these years, thank you!

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